Indoor golf Simulator

We are excited to offer indoor golf simulator. This is only for local customers at our shop located at 2-696 Wharncliffe Road South, London, Ontario. 

Golf simulation made for, and by, real golfers

GSPro was created as a true simulator. It isn't an arcade'y video game forked into the simulation space. This is real golf simulation software.

4K Graphics

Stunning, lifelike, in-game graphics built on the Unity gaming engine

Local and Online Play

Play with up to 4 players local or online in stroke, scramble, stableford, match play, best ball, alt shot, and more soon!

Realistic Ball Physics

Unrivalled game physics set GSPro apart from the competition

Continuous Improvements

We are just getting started. Constant game updates with new features


We believe software should be flexible. 

1000+ User Created Courses

The GSPro community created course list grows daily! Over 500 high quality, lidar-based, courses all created with OPCD tools

The golf course simulations playable in GSPro are not endorsed by or affiliated with any real-world golf courses or their respective owners or operators.

This simulator is using the Garmin R10 golf launcher: No Putting available. Right handed golfers only. 


Club Head speed
Club face angle
Club path angle
Angle of attack
Ball speed
Launch angle
Launch direction
Spin axis
Spin rate
Apex height
Smash factor
Carry distance
Total distance
Deviation distance

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Indoor Golf London , Ontario - Indoor Golf Simulator - MobileCaddyIndoor Golf London , Ontario - Indoor Golf Simulator - MobileCaddy